On January 21, 2008 at 18 years old Mallory Weggemann became paralyzed. Since that day she has dreamed of walking again but in order to make that a reality she needs our help.
Against All Odds – The Journey of New Mobility
Mallory’s doctors have informed her that she will not regain function and that is not the purpose of going into a program at Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan. What she will be doing though is learning how to use what she does have in my upper body to move her legs forward. Now, this isn’t the graceful one foot in front of another that she used to do, however, it is still her up right on my feet moving towards something.
Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover the costs. In order for Mallory to achieve this dream of new mobility, this dream of “walking” she will be relocating to Detroit for an extended period of time to work with the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan.
Although Mallory’s goal is listed at $50,000 she wants to raise beyond that. She doesn’t just want to raise enough for her to walk, she wants to raise enough so she can grant money out to other individuals like herself so they too can afford to chase their dream of new mobility.
* the above text has been taken and adjusted from Mallory’s Indiegogo campaign page
At ProSwimWorkouts we’re extremely thankful for the support of our awesome premium members that help us giving back to the swimming community. With their help we were able to donate $100 towards Mallory Weggemann’s campaign.
As part of our donation we will receive a motivational book autographed by Mallory and VIP coupons for a month supply of GoodBelly product which we will give away to one of our premium members.