Jul 30, 2010 – Fighting Manatee Swim Club

Pretty traditional aerobic main set from the Fighting Manatee Swim Team giving some options for the pre-set and swim down.

Workout AM

400 alt. 100 free, 100 non-free
300 kick choice
200 pull choice
100 scull or drill choice

Pre-Set (Option 1):
10×50 kick choice (fins optional) 4 @1’30, 3 @1’20, 2 @1’10, 1 <1′

Pre-Set (Option 2):
5×100 free or back @2’15
50 : 25 streamline kick w/o board, 25 swim – 50 : 25 swim, 25 over kick

Main Set:
4×150 pullbuoy and paddles
100 breath every 5 or 7 R10″, 50 pace R30″
3×150 stroke (change stroke every 50)
2×150 free build by 50’s @4′
150 stroke drill

Swim Down (Option 1):
6×50 free @55″

Swim Down (Option 1):
300 easy choice

WORKOUT TOTAL (Option 1 & 2): 3300

This workout was provided by Coach Nico Messer.

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Fighting Manatees Swim Club - 2010
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