Aug 6, 2018 – Bobby Hurley – Aerobic Development

Aerobic development session building low aerobic (HR 25) volume with some descending work, and learning to control the aerobic heart rate again.


800 SKIP (Swim Kick IM drill Pull)
4×50 Scull/swim x25 with pull buoy
10×50 (60) – Odd: Explode 15m UW, Even: Build to fast
4×100 (1.30) Dec from aerobic
100 easy

MAIN (freestyle):
A1 = HR 24-25

1×200 A1 (2.45)
3×100 (1.30) Descend 1-3 (HR 26-28-30+)
3×100 (1.30) A1
+ 60s rest
2×200 A1 (2.45)
2×100 (1.30) Descend 1-2 (HR 28-30+)
3×100 (1.30) A1
+ 60s rest
3×200 A1 (2.45)
1×100 (1.30) @ HR 30+
3×100 (1.30) A1

400 easy
8×25 UW (30)
8×25 Fins UW (20)
500 easy

Workout Total: 6000

Additional Comments:
All HR based on beats per 10 seconds.

This workout was provided by Coach Bobby Hurley.

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