Overall aerobic and recovery focused day of training for the National & Junior National groups. The morning practice for the student-athletes of the sports class was my last session of this week as I was at Long Course Nationals with our two qualified athletes starting their championship with a “meet warm-up” in the afternoon. Nothing special this morning – mostly covering “the basics” with some longer swimming and simple “kick-pull-swim” sets.
Workout AM (SCM)
Part 1:
600 as 100 free DPS, 25 scull, 25 double arm back
400 reverse IM drill
10×50 free cruise @50″
Part 2:
300 as 50 free breathe 5, 25 scull, 25 double arm back
200 reverse IM drill
6×50 back cruise @55″
Part 3:
3×200 as 1x choice kick, 1x free w/pullbuoy, 1x free DPS w/open turns R20″
6×50 choice as 25 drill, 25 swim R10″
3×100 as 1x choice kick, 1x free w/pullbuoy, 1x free breathe 5 R20″
4×50 choice as 25 drill, 25 swim R10″
200 choice kick social
100 free breathe 4-3-2-1 per 25