3×3 Swim Plan

3 different workouts working on all aspects you need to get back in swimming shape fast. Each workout has 3 options for the main set allowing for you to cycle through them up to 3 times and adapting to your abilities.

Workout #1 : Aerobic

200 swim choice, 100 drill
200 kick choice (with or without board), 100 kick on side (50 each side; arms on side)
200 pull choice (paddles optional), 100 scull (with or without pullbuoy)

6×50 free DPS (distance per stroke) @1’
Decrease stroke count by 1 or 2 every other 50 – work on long and strong strokes with great hip rotation

Main Set Option 1:
3×200 hold steady pace (HR 22-24) R10”
1.: all free, 2.: 150 free, 50 back, 3.: 100 free, 100 back

Main Set Option 2:
3×300 free R15”
1.: breathe 3,5,3,7,3,9 by 50, 2.: same as #1 with pullbuoy and paddles, 3.: paddles and fins (work on DPS)

Main Set Option 3 (4 rounds):
150 free smooth build by 50 R10”
100 IM (alt. drill/swim by round) R20” 

Swim Down:
6×50 kick choice @1’05
4×25 free no breath @45”
100 easy choice

WORKOUT TOTAL OPTION 1: 2300 – OPTION 2: 2600 – OPTION 3: 2700

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