The set purpose is to train at an Ironman race pace. Start by figure out the goal, and then figure out race pace. The rest is less than 20 seconds during the 8x100s. The last round will be ALL IN, faster than race pace.
Warm up:
200 (100 free/100 IM)
4 x 30s vertical kick, rest 15s
4×50 25m Finger tip drill/25m swim
6×50 1-3 (1st faster then IM pace) @ 60
4x (8×100) Rest ≤ 20s (90 seconds extra btw rounds)
Round 1, 2-3s slower then IM pace — Round 2-3, IM pace — Round 4, all in, faster then IM pace
400 swim down
This free workout was provided by Coach Fredrik “Ludde” Lundin.
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