Feb 15, 2019 – Swiss Army Team

Friday with two shorter aerobic & recovery focused sessions. In the morning the athletes went through some of their own life saving certification tests after the first 3k and the swim was our second part following weights in the afternoon.

Workout AM

10×100 “Warm-up” as
4x (50 back, 50 free breathe 5) @1’45;
3x free (75 fist drill, 25 feet first) R15″;
2x (25 free no breath, 75 back) @1’45;
1x free 360° drill (every 3 or 6 strokes)

4×200 w/fins & paddles as 50 choice kick rotation 1.-4. (on side or back), 150 free DPS R20″
4×150 w/fins & paddles as 100 free (20 surf kick, 30 sailor drill), 50 back R15″
4×100 free w/pullbuoy & paddles @1’35

4×50 as odd: 15 UW tumble, 15 dolphin dives, 20 scull – even: free DPS breathe 5


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