Feb 9, 2017 – NTSC – Senior High Performance – Tempo Trainers

Day after test sets – I wanted to do something fun. So we did a workout with tempo trainers to work on learning how to correlate tempo with time.

Understanding that sometimes faster arms don’t mean faster times. After the athletes recorded their tempos on the board, we talked about how those tempos (I use one beat per stroke) felt relative to time.


200 Swim
100 K
100 Scull

10 x 50 K @ 50 – last 12 ½ FAST
10 x 25 S @ 40 – no br; smooth perfect finishes

100 smooth (160) @ 1:30
2×75 bold (150) @ 1:10
3×50 desc (at will) @ 50
4×25 aggressive (at will) @ 30
Odd rnd fr; even choice
**record fastest tempos on 50 & 25 on board

100 kick @ 145
2×75 50 dr/25 swim @ 1:15
3×50 fast tempo from board @ 45

4×50 @ 1:00 at 200 pace; hold fastest pace (No Tempo Trainer)
100 easy/refocus

> Warm down

Workout Total: 5650

This workout was provided by New Trier Swim Club Head Coach/CEO Alexis Keto.

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