My goal for the following workout is to provide an opportunity for each athlete to achieve outstanding stroke and outstanding velocity relative to effort — the entire way through the workout.
The shorter sets and general simplicity of each particular set allows the athlete to focus in short spurts, and perhaps swim just a bit better than they normally would.
Thursday January 2, 2014
3x: {2×100 Free (120) + 3×50 Drill (1)}
Free – 50R 50L breathing
Drill – Fly-Back, Back-Breast, Breast-Free
3x: {3×50 Swim (55) + 4×25 Drills (40)}
Swim – Round 1 Fly-Back, Round 2 Back-Breast, Round 3 Breast-Free
Drill – Round 1 single arm Back, Round 2 2K 1P Breast, Round 3 Fly Kick on Front
3x: {2×75 Kick (120) + 1×150 Swim-Drill-Kick of choice (245)}
Kick – Round 1 Fly, Round 2 Back, Round 3 Breast or Free
3x: {2×50 Swim (1) + 1×100 Swim-Drill of choice (140)}
Swim — #1 Free, #2 Stroke
3x: {2×25 Swim (30) + 1×100 Swim-Drill of choice (150)}
Swim — #1 Free or Stroke, #2 Stroke
FINS – middle portion of each repeat is Fast!
75 (1)
150 (2)
225 (3)
300 (4)
225 (3)
150 (2)
75 (1)
200 easy
This free workout was provided by T2 Aquatics Head Coach Paul Yetter.
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