Two days a week, we only have the pool for 105 minutes. Here is a middle distance workout where not only my freestylers received a good workout but my 200 Backstrokers were able to take up the challenge to improve their endurance.
I also had some younger swimmers in the pool so they worked on the Sprint focus set instead of the middle distance set. The biggest challenge with this group is having them understand different speeds. This set helped them to make adjustments during the swim. They also loved the rest in between where they could socialize. It kept them focused on going fast.
You cannot grow unless you are willing to change.
Workout PM
1 x 400 Choice Drill /Swim x50 @ :30 RI
4 x 100 Dolphin Kick on Back w/ or w/out fins @ :20 RI
4 x 50 Choice 15m Blast off both walls / EZ for remainder of 25 @ :10 RI
10 x 75 Odd = Drill @ 1:20 Evens = 30 BBM @ 1:15
4 x 400 FR @ 5:30 – D1-4 or 4 x 400 BK @ 5:30 D1-4
4 x 200 Pull w/a strap Choice Stroke @ 3:10
Odd = 30 BBM Even = Just Make It
400 Canoe/Pull x50
Sprint Group – Stroke:
8 x 25 @:15 RI – 15m Blast / EZ to end – P100
1:30 RI
8 x 25 @:15 RI – 20m Blast / EZ to end – P100 – 200 EZ
5:00 Rest
8 x 50 @:20 RI – Sprint
1:30 Rest
4 x 50 @:20 RI – Sprint
3:00 Rest
8 x 25 @:10 RI – EZ/Fast x25
1:30 Rest
6 x 25 @:10 RI – Fast/EZ x25
1:00 Rest
4 x 25 @:05 RI – Sprint
400 Canoe/Pull x50
8 x 50 @ 1:00 Choice Swim from a Start – Work breakout off both walls or
16 x 25 Choice Starts for younger swimmers
Workout Total: 5400
These free workouts were provided by Greenwood Memorial Swim Club Head Coach Janet Harty.
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