Jan 2016 – NCAP West – 24,000 In 24 Hours

Tuesday AM we arrive on the pool deck for a 4:45 AM dive and we wasted no time for the hour and a half session, we got 6000 yards in! We dove in on time and took no more than 60 seconds between rounds and sets.

In order to make sure that the athletes were ready to move efficiently through the session we made sure that the workout was presented on a White Board before they dove in. Generally, our athletes take the time to digest the session before they begin so they know what our goals are as a team, and can set their own personal goals.

We really like moving quickly once we hit the water because we do not give ourselves time to question motivation or second guess our level of effort. Coupled with a tremendous commitment to discipline of habits we will literally get fast, fast. Our energy focus for the morning was centred around setting up for and then working threshold pull set.

Certainly, our set up provided its own challenges with 12 x 125 IM that rotated a 50 and descended in sets of 3, Descending 5 x 200 with Paddles & Fins on a quick interval, long drill BR, and BK tempo work made for a standard Tuesday IM set up to main.

Tue 17, 2017 – AM

400 as 75 FR/ 25 IMO (6)

Rotate 50 x Round
4 x (3 x 125 IM (145) Dec

5 x 200 P&F FR (220) Dec 1-5
4 x 100 BR 2K/1P (140)
8 x 50 BK (45) Dec 1-2

24 x 100 FR Pull

  • 1-6 (110) Pink – HR 170
  • 7-16 (120) Red – HR 180
  • 17-24 (130) Blue – HR 190+

200 EZ

Workout Total: 6300

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