Jan 8, 2016 – T2 Aquatics – 1000 Kick Time Trial

Fridays are kicking days for us, so we went with the ole 1000 Kick Time Trial. Great results for our top people . . .

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9 years ago

What kind this sets? What benefit mixed?

7×50 Mixed (45)
1×50 Dive (Fast in groups)

9 years ago

How can I do training Back with underwater turns?

Reply to  ehab
9 years ago

I think what Coach Yetter meant with the mixed 50’s is that the athletes get to choose the strokes but have to mix them up making the interval on 45″ for all 7 repeats. The last set of 50’s with the underwater turns are free-back, so I would think that those are done by 25 and the turn is simply a flip turn under water coming up on your back.