Jun 10, 2015 – The College of William and Mary

The goal of the main set is to change gears while your heart rate is still elevated from the 100s freestyle and the 75s stroke.

1×300 (SW – FS/STRK x 50)
1×200 (CH K)
1×100 (Pull – BP of 3/5 x 50)

1×300 (SW – FS/STRK x 75)
1×200 (CH K)
1×100 (Pull – BP of 3/7 x 50)

Focus #2 – Pre-Set (3 rounds):
1×50 @ :45 (Pink)
2×25 @ :40 (SC)
1×50 @ :50 (RED)
2×25 @ :35 (DR)
1×50 @ :55 (ORANGE)
2×25 @ :30 (PT)
1×50 @ 1:00 (BLUE)
*R1 = FS / R2 = Stroke / R3 = CH*

Focus #3 – Main Set:
*Choose to either go on 1:10 or 1:15 base for 100s freestyle and 1:05 or 1:10 for 75s stroke

3×50 @ :55 (Stroke – Desc to FAST)
2×75 @ 1:20 (K/DR/SW)
1×100 @ 1:10 / 1:15 (FS Strong)

2×50 @ :55 (Stroke – FAST/EZ , EZ/FAST)
2×75 @ 1:20 (K/DR/SW)
2×100 @ 1:10 / 1:15 (FS Strong)

1×50 @ :55 (Stroke – FAST)
2×75 @ 1:20 (K/DR/SW)
3×100 @ 1:10 / 1:15 (FS Strong)


3×25 @ :25 (FS – Desc to FAST w/ BP of 2,1,0)
2×50 @ @ 1:00 (DR/PT)
1×75 @ 1:05 / 1:10 (Stroke Strong)

2×25 @ :25 (FS – Orange / FAST with BP of 1,0)
2×50 @ @ 1:00 (DR/PT)
2×75 @ 1:05 / 1:10 (Stroke Strong)

1×25 @ :25 (FS – FAST w/ BP of 0)
2×50 @ @ 1:00 (DR/PT)
3×75 @ 1:05 / 1:10 (Stroke Strong)

Focus #4 – Flush and Feel:
1×100 (KOB – Fins – 4/6/8/10)
1×200 (50 K + 50 SW – Fins & PD)
1×300 (Fins/PD/Snork – Count Strokes (-2) , (-4) , (-6))

Focus #5 – Main Set #2 – Legs on Legs w/ Fins:
10x100s as 2 @ 1:15 (SW – Great Walls), 2 @ 1:25 (75 SW – 25 O K), 2 @ 1:35 (50 SW – 50 O K), 2 @ 1:45 (25 SW – 75 O K), 2 @ 1:55 (Best Average Kick)

Focus #6 – Cool Down:
1×200 choice

Workout Total: 6300

This free workout was provided by William and Mary Assistant Coach Joshua Huger.

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