Nov 14, 2016 – Podium Swimming – Triathlete Speed Session

We recently held a swim clinic here in Colorado Springs. Three days. Five swim sessions. A large number of triathletes were in attendance.

And many do not include speed (or speed endurance) sessions in their regular training. So, we threw this workout in for the triathletes. Good work-rest ratios. High end – VO2 – efforts. Really working on getting their stroke rate, and effort levels, up. This is a good workout for Masters swimmers as well to improve some sprint speed.

Not a lot of yards for 90 minutes of swimming. But the intensity is way up!


400 choice
200 kick (no fins)
200 pull

4 x 75 1-2 steady, 3-4 build to fast @ 1:30

Main sets:
4 rounds:
25-50-25 @ :45 / 1:30 / :45
25 = Max; 50 = 35 max, 15 easy; 25 = easy

> 90 second break

3 rounds:
25 – 25 – 50 @ :45 / 1:30
25 = max; 25 = easy; 50 = all max

> 90 second break

3 rounds:
50-50-50 @ 1:30
50= 25 max, 25 cruise; 50= 25 max, 25 cruise; 50= all max

Cool down:
300 pull (no paddles)
200 kick easy!
200 easy swim

Workout Total: 2950

This workout was provided by Podium Training Systems Coach Dave Burgess.

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