Jun 20, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Aerobic and recovery focused Monday evening workout for the National & Junior National groups. This will be another active recovery week for the team aiming to improve on skills by purposely investing more time than we would during the tough work weeks.

Jun 18, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Individual and optional Saturday workout for all of the National & Junior National group athletes not attending the meet in Suhr today. A simple about hour long session mimicking in some ways what a race warm-up might include during this phase of our training cycle including kicking, drilling, and some “speed work”.

Jun 17, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Aerobic “SYOP” long course pre-meet Friday afternoon session for the National & Junior National groups. Mixing longer aerobic swim with shorter tempo sets to aid with recovery and keeping those racing tomorrow sharp

Jun 16, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

We had almost all of our athletes at practice this Thursday morning with a public holiday that provided most of them with a day off from school. Aerobic and sprint focused session to prepare for the fast workout in the evening.

Jun 15, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Individual and shorter aerobic and speed focused Wednesday afternoon workout for the athletes of the National & Junior Nationals group. There was a mandatory event during our regular training hours and thus we provided the athletes with a plan to get a quick swim after school.

Jun 13, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Aerobic and lactate focused Monday evening for the National & Junior National groups. A shorter main set following the competition two days ago and also to have the athletes getting used to doing this type of work in a long course setting as we will be spending more time training outdoors in the coming weeks leading into the summer championships.

Jun 12, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Post-meet aerobic morning workout for the National & Junior National groups. This week the competition in Burgdorf was fully part of the plan and “replaced” one of our fast sessions with good racing practice.

Jun 10, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

“Long” aerobic and relaxed Friday evening workout for the National & Junior National groups. This was our “recovery” before the meet in Burgdorf on Saturday which was part of the training plan this week and “replaced” one of our threshold sessions.

Jun 9, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Aerobic and sprint focused Thursday morning session for the student-athletes of the sports class. Covering the basics to get them ready for the threshold workout in the evening.

Jun 8, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Aerobic evening workout for the National & Junior National groups. This Wednesday we went to our outdoor pool as we slowly want the athletes to get used to swimming outside.