T2 Aquatics – Back into the Groove

We came back from our Sectional meet, swam the following day to the tune of a 3500 Kick/Pull practice, then got back into it with the following workout. We have one swimmer going to JRs, two to the US Open, and two to Zones.

Zones and the US Open are only about a week away, so I’d like to find a few days of Neural rest and a little bit of light threshold (particularly for the Zones people — who are all 18 and under); and for the JR swimmer who has a bit more time we are in the midst of “getting back into the groove” with resting-style workouts.

We did the Sectional meet for a little bit of racing between June’s World Champ Trials….and my mindset is on re-establishing some aerobic work through Thursday, then settling back into our normal “Rest” progression. The first pace work we’ll see is on Friday after a Thursday-Sunday meet.


1×400 Free (5) – 50R 50L
4×100 Kick (145)—1 of each stroke
1×400 Free IM (545) – Negative Split each 100
8×50 Pull (50) – x50
1×400 Pull (5) – Double Negative Split

3×100 Free (115) *Descend Rounds 1-4
1×200 Free IM (250)

A. JR Prep
24×25 (30)
Free, Fly Kick on Back, Back, Fly or Free no breath Fast

+ 4 perfect turns

B. Zones Distance Prep
6×200 Pull (230) – odds + evens Negative Split

+ 6×75 FINS (120) – middle 25 Fast

200 easy

WORKOUT TOTAL: 4800 or 5850

Additional Comments:
We are going to have a beach workout the day after this practice. I wanted to boost morale after the meet; I’ve got most of my Senior Training group that is done with their meets this summer, and they need to stay with it to help the people who do have meets train into the meets!

This free workout was provided by T2 Aquatics Head Coach Paul Yetter.

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11 years ago

what is effect pull Negative Split?

10 years ago

double negative split? what effect double?