Another workout from the Florida Keys Swim Club Gold Group while visiting my old team at the Jacobs Aquatic Center. It’s really up to you how hard you want this workout to be by adapting the intervals according to your abilities. Their intervals were short rest, at most 10″, for everything that wasn’t done descending.
Workout PM
1000 as 400 swim choice, 300 kick choice, 200 drill choice, 100 choice
Main Set (50×100’s):
5×100 Free descend 1.-5. @1’30
5×100 Back descend 1.-5. @1’40
5×100 Free @1’20
5×100 IM @1’40
100 Easy choice
5×100 Free w/pullbuoy descend 1.-5. @1’25
5×100 Stroke w/pullbuoy @1’40
5×100 Free w/pullbuoy @1’15
–> paddles optional for all of those 15×100’s pull
100 Easy choice
5×100 Kick choice @1’50
5×100 Kick w/fins @1’30
100 Easy choice
5×100 as 1.-4.: 25 UW (rotate the 25 1.-4.), 75 swim, 5.: choice 12.5 UW off each wall
Swim Down:
200 Easy choice
This workout was provided by FKSC Head Coach and US Olympic Gold Medalist Jon Olsen.
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