Aug 8, 2012 – Florida Keys Swim Club – Toy Day

Even when training mostly Age Group athletes, you need to break the rhythm of “crushing” them in every workout and give them something “fun”. Coach Jon Olsen calls these practices “toy days”. If you don’t have the equipment mentioned below, you can of course just do the session without any of the special “toys” or replace them with other equipment you have available such as drag shorts, etc.

Workout PM

300 Swim choice
300 Kick choice
300 Drill choice

4×200 IM order as scull, drill, kick drill by 50 R20”
20×25 UW w/fins @30”

Main Set:
400 Social kick
8×25 FAST kick against cordz (kick for 20” at most) @1’15

400 Choice drill, swim smooth and relaxed
8×25 Swim sprint against cordz (for 20” at most) @1’15

500 Free w/pullbuoy smooth and relaxed (paddles option)
8×25 Free w/pullbuoy and paddles against chutes @1’15

100 Easy choice

Swim Down:
2×50 UW w/monofin
100 Easy choice


This workout was provided by FKSC Head Coach and US Olympic Gold Medalist Jon Olsen.

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