Aerobic workout for our Upper (Distance/400 IM) group with some just make IM work in the middle. Over the break our athletes are at home, so I am sending them some workouts to keep them in shape and in the water consistently. I also do my best to get a minimum of 1000-1200 kick every day in my workouts.
600 choice – regroup
4×100 75 swim/25 kick @ 1:40
6×50 3 drill/3 swim @ 1:00
4×25 alt no breath/uw @ :35
100 ez
200 IM @ 2:45/3:00
300 free @ 3:35/3:50
4×100 IM @ 1:25/1:30
300 free @ 3:30/3:45
200 IM @ 2:30/2:50
r: 1:00
200 free @ 2:20/2:30
4×75 IM rollover @ 1:05/1:10
400 free @ 4:40/5:00
4×75 IM rollover @ 1:05/1:10
200 free all out
100 ez
400 kick @ 5:45
4×100 kick @ 1:30
4×50 kick @ :50
300 ez
This workout was provided by Green Bay Swimming and Diving Head Coach Alex Lewis.
Additional Comments
– IM rollovers: 25 Fly/50 BK – 25 Bk/50 BR- 25 BR/50 Free – 25 FR/50 Fly
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