Jumped in the pool for a recovery session while visiting a friend in Switzerland. At that time, I haven’t been swimming seriously for a while and that type of “beginner” practice was just what I needed to get a good workout or for my friend to recover from a hard week of training.
Workout PM
3×300 as 1x swim choice, 1x kick, 1x free fist drill R30″
3×100 as 50 kick w/o board, 50 swim R10″
Pre-Set (4 rounds):
3×25 choice build 1.-3. @30″
200 easy choice
Main Set (4 rounds):
4×50 choice build 1.-4. @1′
100 easy choice
Swim Down:
600 kick w/fins
This workout was provided by STBB Head Coach Dirk Thölking.
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