It has become apparent to me that my athletes will not continue their improvement without beginning to do their share of “Fartlek” (Speed Play) training. All great athletes can change speeds, and all great athletes can DO whatever pace they want to do WHENEVER they want to do it (provided they are not overly-fatigued when they are asking something of themselves). I’ve started to put “Fartlek” work into more of our workouts, and on Wednesday mornings, I’ve added it to our normal kicking and pulling routine.
Workout AM
5×200 SKIPS
4x: 3×50 Free (45) + 4×25 (30) 1 of each
3x: 4×100 Kick (140) (150) – all Negative Split
Extra 30 between each set of 4
1×400 {25 Back + 25 Free + 25 Scull + 25 Breast Pull with dolphin – quick pull on surface}
1×900 (1115) – all negative split
1×600 (730)
1×300 (345)
1×150 (150)
200 easy
16×50 (50)
Every 4th * no breath 2nd 25; Extra 10 going into every 4th
200 easy
This workout was provided by T2 Aquatics Head Coach Paul Yetter.
Additional Comments:
The 100s kick were done very well. I asked many of my athletes to “come through” the 50 of each 100 at 39-40 seconds, and then get into the 115 range for each 100. I tried to give them an easy first 50 goal (without making it too easy), and then I wanted them to punch it. I set up the clock so the athletes could see it directly in front of them (on the kicking), and I had another clock on the side of the pool so the athletes could see it on the pulling.
This workout is written for 18 and under athletes. I had a few postgrads present at this workout on this particular morning, and they basically did the same type of workout but they did somewhat shorter repeats. For instance, the postgrads did the same kick set, and their pull set was a shorter: 4×50, 1×200, 1×150, 1×100. The post-grads did the same type of 50s set at the end, but they did stroke (Fly or Breast) instead of Free.
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Recent Workouts by Coach
Paul Yetter

This looks very interesting although I would never dream of swimming more than 3000m. How long that this take to complete? 3 hours maybe? Those kids must be complete beasts. Respect!
You are correct – all the athletes coached by Paul Yetter are probably in a great shape (or on the way to get there). This workout was done Short Course Yards and mind that those athletes are used to the “daily grind”…I would think that this is a regular 2h session for those athletes. As with all of the workouts that you will find in our archives – take the ideas you like and adapt if necessary.