Jul 24, 2015 – T2 Aquatics – Taper Pace Set

We generally do a 3 day cycle during our final preparation period, which consists of 1) an “Aerobic” day (kicking, pulling, threshold swimming), 2) a “Pace” day (usually active rest type swimming), and 3) a “Kick-Drill-Swim” Day (which starts

as a fairly normal type workout for us when we are 3 and 2 weeks out, but turns into some light swimming and 25s build when we are within the last 6-9 days).

The day before this “Pace” day, we did an more general aerobic day: 3 rounds LCM of (1×150, 2×100, 3×50)…4500 LCM for the day. Our previous “Pace” set was 12×100 LCM on (150) — on Tuesday, with #4,8,12 “Fast” but with a ‘speed limit’ on the fast {plus 6-8 above their PR was the goal for #8/12).

We are less than one week from Junior Nationals, and this is what our Junior group is doing.


1×300 Free IM (410) — double pullouts
3×100 Kick (140) — mixed
1×300 Free (350) — negative split
6×50 Pull (50) — 5th odds, descend evens

1×75 Free (105)
2×50 odd Kick/ even Drill Stroke (50)
3×25 Drill-Swim-Swim — all Stroke (35)
Stroke = 1 round of each Fly, Back, Breast… or odd rounds Stroke, even round Free

4×100 Paddle Grab (130) 3breaths, 3b, 2b, 2b x25

4×75 (120) #4 Fast Free
8×50 (1) #4 & #8 Fast Stroke
12×25 (40) #4, #8, and #12 Fast Stoke

100 easy

Fins: 600 {50 Mod Free 5th /25*/25** Fast Stroke}

200 easy

Workout Total: 4250

This free workout was provided by T2 Aquatics Head Coach Paul Yetter.

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