Jun 14, 2017 – Bromsgrove Swimming Club

An aerobic overload workout we did last night with our Youth swimmers. It’s basically smash a 400, kick yourself into the ground, and recover! Then repeat another twice! I like to make sure the swimmers get a good 10 minutes of active recovery after each effort to ensure that we maintain the quality on the 200s.


Warm-up (all with snorkels):
1 x 400m A1 Free 50s swim DPS @ 7:00
2 x 200m A1 Free drill @ 3:30 [1 – catchup, 2 – finger drag]
3 x 200m Free swim @ 3:15 descend 1-3 A1 / A2 / AT

Speed Development:
8 x 25m FAS on 2:15 SP3 as 12.5m HARD, 12.5m DPS [RACE PROCESS SKILLS]
[Seniors go 8 x choice, Juniors go 2 each stroke. last 12.5 is always free. Climb out and walk back at shallow end]

VO2 Max Aerobic Overload (HR 20BBM):
2 x 200m IM’s @ 3:15 VO2
1 x 100m Free Kick @ 2:00 Best Effort
1 x 400m IM drill recovery A1 @ 10:00
2 x 200m Choice @ 3:40 VO2 [No Free]
1 x 100m Free Kick @ 2:00 Best Effort
1 x 400m Choice drill recovery @ 10:00
2 x 200m Free @ 3:00 VO2
1 x 100m Free Kick @ 2:00 Best Effort
1 x 400m Free drill recovery A1 @ 10:00
[#1 of each FAS at deep end. Aim to descend 200s to absolute killer max effort on last, and push 100s kick]

Cool down:
1 x 400m back A1 alternate 50s kick / swim @ 8:00
3 x 50m free @ 2 1:00 descend 1-3 A1 / A2 / AT
1 x 200m choice A1


This workout was provided by Bromsgrove Swimming Club Head Coach Matthew Lowe.

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7 years ago

Would you consider the “smash 400” to be broken as it seems you had them do 2×200’s at VO2 on fairly short rest, following up with the 100 kick best effort? I like the idea of engaging the legs after the hard 200’s to simulate a race and keeping things together with a strong kick. When you mention the 10 minutes of active recovery and had a 400 written down for this, did some of them go 450 or even 500 in that time? Or maybe the remainder of the 10 minutes were passif recovery – what would you consider… Read more »