This workout was something we did with our sprinters to give them a feel of power in the water. We call it our “Boys with Toys” workout.
Things you need:
– chutes (we use FINIS brand) both red and blue,
– five empty 5 gallon paint buckets with a 4 ft stretch cord tied to the handle with some type of belt to tie around waist,
– Drag Socks (6-8 pairs)
We have three stations of each:
1. bucket sprints using a tempo trainer set at the specific tempo (varied from .48-1.10) for that persons 100 event,
2. chutes,
3. drag socks
Warm up:
5 min choice swim, 5 min choice kick, 5 min swim every 3rd length fast controlled
8×25 Main Stroke @ 30
Each station should last 10-12 minutes to utilize the max effort for each person.
Station 1:
Bucket Sprints Relay style; Split group to even numbers on each end; Repeat sprints holding tempo; Rest varies per lane
Station 2:
Parachute swims; Each person should perform 3×100 fast with a chute; 50 main stroke/50 free; One at a time; Rest is normally about 2 min per person; Freestyle/Backstroke used blue chutes; Fly/Breast used red chutes
Station 3:
Drag socks: 4x(2×25) 1st 25 sprint, 2nd 25 streamline kick under water fast; All on 1:00
After all stations are completed: Timed 100 All Out main event!
Warm down:
600 with snorkel
This workout was provided by Luther College Men’s & Women’s Swim Coach Lance Huber.
Additional Comments:
This set lasted 45 min (1:30 with warm up and warm down). Be sure that your sprinters can handle the high stress from sprinting with drag before performing this set. The is used for college men. I would adapt it by reducing the amount of sprinting volume or intensity based on age group, gender or strength.
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