Sep 8, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Aerobic and speed focused Friday for the team in Biel. The morning session started with different types of “stroke skills” and ended with some early speed work to get ready for the second swim of the day.

Sep 7, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Relaxed and aerobic focused Thursday morning to start the second half the week following the afternoon off. Most of the athletes made it through the second part before leaving for school.

Sep 2, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne (Beluga)

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Saturday mornings for the Beluga group start with a short dryland warm-up together with the other development groups at the pool for their practice. Their workout today was a bit lower in volume as we incorporated a skills part focusing on “lines”.

Sep 6, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Mid-week aerobic and sprint focused morning for the team in Biel. It was a busy day at school and most athletes had to leave a bit earlier this Wednesday, so it was a bit shorter than planned.

Sep 5, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Overall aerobic focused Tuesday for the team in Biel. The early morning session included some speed and short-axis stroke work while the evening practice was built around the second kicking “goal set” of the week.

Sep 4, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Starting this new week with two mostly aerobic focused sessions. The early morning workout was aiming to help the athletes set up for the day and simply get the ball rolling.

Sep 2, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Saturday mornings in Biel started with 30 minutes of dryland warm-up which at this time of the season included mainly functional activation exercises and core strength.

Sep 1, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

First full day of training of the new season including a morning and evening practice for the team in Biel. The early morning session was done at the CTS in Biel while the evening took place at the BASPO in Magglingen.

Aug 31, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

This Thursday evening started with their “season kick-off team meeting” and thus we jumped in about 30 minutes later. We still got good work done continuing our aerobic and sprint mix theme during this first week to get back in the groove.