Mar 9, 2021 – SRSO – Ivo Staub
Sprint and speed focused Tuesday session offering two variations with the first option including more “raw speed” work while the second option integrates resistance work.
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Sprint and speed focused Tuesday session offering two variations with the first option including more “raw speed” work while the second option integrates resistance work.
Starting week two of our “race pace” training cycle with a “build session” to prepare for the workouts of the following days. Setting up strokes and paces while including some breath control and vertical kicking.
Last one – fast one! Going back to our racing “test set” this Saturday for our weekly “check-up” on progress of our training towards Long Course Nationals.
Friday offering two resistance and speed focused workouts with the first option including a little more kicking and the second option short “longer” swims.
Thursday with a kicking and sprint focused workout keeping the fast efforts short and including some breath control.
Mid-week recovery practice offering two options and variations of those to provide as much “freedom” to the athlete as possible. This was our “Post Gym Recovery Protocol” which remained mostly unchanged after adding a demanding Wednesday weight session in calendar week six.
Speed focused Tuesday workout with three equal blocks including a short resistance set to prepare for the fast efforts consisting of sets of 25’s with increasing intervals.
Kicking and speed focused Monday workout to prepare for the week ahead. Today we started another “race pace” training cycle leading into our last meet before competing at Nationals.
Following the race effort the previous day, we slightly adapted our plan for this Saturday and opted for a short “lactate production” type of set instead of our usual “race day test set”.
In our current weekly setup, Fridays are “wide open” and can go any way. This week Ivo felt great and he wanted to take advantage of it by throwing down a fast freestyle swim.