A reader asked for a description of a “Lactate” workout a few weeks ago. The following is an example of what I would consider a “Lactate Tolerance” practice. We spent about 5 weeks performing a set like this one, about once per week – during April and May this season.
Workout AM
400 Free + 300 Kick-Drillx50 + 200 Pull + 100 Back-Breast
8×50 (55) Free descend 1-4
16×25 (40)
1 Flip at 6-7 / #2 Drill Stroke / #3 Flip at 25 / #4 Stroke Build
12×50 (105)
1 easy / #2 15 M Build / #3 25 M Build / #4 35 M Build
200 Stroke Drill
100 Fast Stroke DIVE {Erika Erndl swam 58.9, 58.3, 58.0, 57.7 on these} 200-300 easy
Start every 8-10 minutes
50 Free with Zoomers (45) @33-34
50 Free with Zoomers (1) @33-34
Swim Down 600 with underwater turns
This workout was provided by T2 Aquatics Head Coach Paul Yetter.
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