Mar 12, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Aerobic focused Thursday afternoon with just a few short sprints. This was also the last workout with the Corona pandemic shutting down programs in Norway.

Mar 11, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Mid-week racing focused morning session for all of our athletes. We provided options & suggestions for all parts of the workout with the final decision left to the athletes.

Mar 10, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Two aerobic focused workouts this Tuesday incorporating a little more kicking in the morning and some speed work during the afternoon session.

Mar 9, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Relaxed start into the new week this Monday with an aerobic focused afternoon workout. Everybody followed the same warm-up before splitting into groups for the main part of the session.

Mar 7, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Aerobic recovery including a kicking and a pulling focused part for all BS athletes to close out the first “Championship Week” of our preparation cycle this Saturday morning.

Mar 6, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Fast Friday bringing another short course race pace afternoon workout for the team. We started the day with a pretty relaxed aerobic and kicking focused morning session.

Mar 5, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Thursday aerobic and speed focused evening workout for BS Elite with options for our event groups during the last part of the session.

Mar 4, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Mid-week aerobic recovery focused morning workout for both groups this week. Starting out with a longer first part before finishing with a few shorter sets of 50’s during the second part of the session.

Mar 3, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


Starting this Tuesday with an aerobic focused morning workout to prepare for an intense and fast afternoon session. Relaxed intervals mixing plenty of drills and kicking aiming to have everybody leave with a good feel.

Mar 2, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne


First day back at home in Bergen following our training camp in Luxembourg. Starting the final three weeks of our preparation for the Bergen Swim Festival with some relaxed aerobic and highly focused speed work while also providing options for our event groups during the last part of the session.