Stats & Memberships Report: July 2020

July is usually the time of the year when many of us would be glued to their screens and follow the action from the big end of summer meets. This time around many of the coaching staffs find themselves working on plans to get their teams back to training in safe manners following rules and restrictions with the global pandemic still very much part of our daily lives.

Our platform has been back “on the rise” and our numbers have stabilized at around 5k pageviews and 2k visitors each month. The transformation of all existing content on our platform to make everything compatible with the new & improved experience is still ongoing and we aim to soon get to the “next phase” where the final design & usability will be the focus and tackled.

Stats & Memberships Report: July 2020

July was the start of our bi-weekly contributions to the Poolside Pass blog where we will be sharing workouts and other resources not available on ProSwimWorkouts. The first post was a “bonus” workout from our recently finished Bergensvømmerne series.

Please continue to follow safe & best practices as we all return to a “new normal” and resume activities – remember that the health for the members of our community (athletes, coaches, parents), should always be our priority!

Top 5

These five workouts have been most popular during the month of July.
Which one was your favorite?

Find all workouts and resources in our archives.

Current Funding Levels

We supported the swimming community with a total of


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Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast

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The Poolside Pass

New Episodes Available!

Support The Poolside Pass with a premium membership for our platform at 40% off regular pricing using the coupon code “thepoolsidepass”.


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