Apr 13, 2022 – Green Bay Swimming and Diving – Spring 2022

Mostly aerobic focused Wednesday session increasing the effort level through the second part of the main set going through four rounds of 4×50 + 2×25 all fast!


3×300 – CH @ 5:00/ DR-SW-CH @ 5:15 / IM KPS @ 5:30
2×200 – 50 1arm – 50sw – 50 catch up – 50 sw @ 3:00
100 DKBK

8×25 UW @ :40
6×75 BPK-FDR-DR 2 each STK @ 1:20
5×100 Prime STK: FLY/BK – 7-8-9-10 UW K / BR – BR pullouts at 15 yards
4×250 Breathing every 3-5-7-5-3 x 50 @ 3:20

500 FR-BK x 100 @ 6:15 BASE Effort
12×75 4 IMNFR @ 1:05 / 4 FREE @ 1:00 / 4 RIMNFR @ 1:05 Base +

4x Odds: Free – Evens: CH
4 x 50 @ :35/:40
2 x 25 @ :25/:30
*take extra :30 between RDs

300 WD


This workout was provided by Green Bay Swimming and Diving Head Coach Alex Lewis.

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Green Bay Swimming and Diving - Spring 2022
Week #1 X Day 1 Day 2 X Day 3 Day 4 X
Week #2 X Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 X X X
Week #3 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 X X X X
Week #4 Day 11 X Day 12 X X X X
Week #5 X Day 13 X X X X X

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