This workout starts with some dryland including medicine balls for about 30 minutes. The warm-up set is a drill progression I call “Early Vertical Forearm” (EVF) – you can do that drill for freestyle and backstroke. Sometimes we do the swim bench before the EVF in order to get a better pull and because it’s also easier for me to correct the technique on deck.
The next set is a threshold block where we do 4 rounds of 2×100 Free kick and 3×100 Free Swim on 1’40. As a coach, I want the swimmers to have a strong capability in the legs after the half of the race to the finish. We will do this set next week again but we change 4 rounds of 3×100 Free kick and 2×100 Free Swim on 1’40. Often we do the main set in the beginning of the workout to get the best out of it.
“Great effort springs naturally from a great attitude.”
To have a short “mental break” we do 600 IM as 50 drill/25 swim – change every 75. Before this 600 the swimmers can go to the toilet and fill their water bottle.
I like to put in breathing patterns in a pull or swim set. In the set below, we swim at lower and 200 pace with breathing patterns. The 1200 free is 6-5-4-3 breaths and the 450 free or choice is on 200 pace on 1′, we take a longer rest to make both the pace and keep the breathing. 4×25 free or choice is 12.5 sprint/12.5 easy on 1′. The set is 3 rounds – about 30 minutes of work.
I try to have fun warm downs working on the team spirit. Today, we put all swimmers, two and two, in one lane and the swimmers had to kick underwater to not swim into each other.
Workout PM
Meters | Set Description | EGY | Work | Stroke |
Dryland M-ball | L | |||
800 | 8×100 on 1:45 EVF(Early Vertical Forearm) PDL SN | EN1 | T | FR |
2000 | 4x 3 x 100 on 1:40 3 kick – 25 Swim threshold 2 x 100 on 1:40 | – EN2 EN2 | – S K | – FR FR |
600 | 1 x 600 on 12:00 IM, 50 Drill/25 Swim, change 75 | EN1 | T | IM |
1500 | 3x 1 x 200 on 3:00 FR Breath 6-5-4-3, change 25 4 x 50 on 1:00 FR, UNDER PACE 200 4 x 25 on :30 FR 12.5 fast/12.5 ezy | – EN1 EN2 SP3 | – P P P | – FR FR FR |
600 | 1 x 600 on 12:00 Swim down with all swimmers in 1 lane | REC | S | VF |
This workout was provided by Järfälla Simsällskap Head Coach Fredrik “Ludde” Lundin.
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Fredrik Lundin