Nov 20, 2012 – Blue Wave Swim Team

Sometimes a punishment set turns into a great workout, which was our case today. We were planning to reward our swimmers today with a game at the end of practice because they had done such a great job these past few days this week so far. But, as some of you know, somethings that are planned seem to not go as planned and discipline has to happen.

Our swimmers were taking too long to get in the water and I got really frustrated with the situation and decided to change the workout after the first warm-up set. My assistant Stoddard and I came up with this on the spot, and we ended up with one of the best workouts our team has ever had. We had a wide range of kids that did this one from ages 11 to 18. We had about 45 swimmers in the pool at the time and they all stepped up to the plate. I hope you like it!


REC 1 x 800 150 choice 50 Kick
(10 minutes of scolding)

EN1 20 x 25 Kick FAST!
EN2 1 x 500 Pull
EN1 12 x 25 Kick FAST!
EN2 1 x 300 Pull
EN1 6 x 25 All Out Kick FAST!

Fins on:
4 x 50 25 Shooter (underwater dolphin kicks-streamline position-no breath) 25 Sprint Free 1:00
1 x 100 FAST! 2:00
4 x 50 25 shooter 25 Sprint Free 1:00
1 x 200 FAST! 3:00
4 x 50 25 shooter 25 Sprint Free 1:00
1 x 300 FAST! 5:00
4 x 50 25 shooter 25 Sprint Free 1:00
1 x 400 ALL OUT!! NO BS!! “Crossing that line!”

REC 10 x 50 EZ 1:00

EN1 1 x 10 minute social kick


This workout was provided by Blue Wave Swim Team Head Coach Justin Correia.

Additional Comments:
Our swimmers gave a 100% effort on the sets. We were so happy with them that we gave them a social kick at the end as a warm down. Our top girl was going :23-:24 on the 50s. You know you have a great set going when all you hear at the end of each repeat is loud breathing. Our kids were so proud of what they they did that they were knuckle pounding after.

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