This Tuesday afternoon workout was designed to target Lactate Tolerance and keep our athletes aware of the feeling at the end of a race. I always look at our workout as a whole and think “every set is a main set”, to where each element builds up and is intertwined somehow. We only take less than 2 minutes in between sets, unless I have to explain a set specifically. I use energy systems during workouts and give my athletes charts based on their test set results*.
So, this week, we are in week 3 of a 4 week cycle, where our main focus is Anaerobic endurance (speed endurance). I use Urbanachek’s energy system excel program that I got at the 2007 ASCA clinic. Our athletes T-30 times are put into the program and they are expected to hit their marks on certain sets.
Colors: White-EN1, Pink-EN2, Red-EN2, Blue-EN3, Blue-SP1+
I also made my swimmers write down their 200 times on a board, so that they could see what they were holding and not just think about it in their heads (Im BIG on visual reinforcement).
Workout PM
REC 1 x 800 100 Drill 100 Swim Freestyle
EN2 4 x 200 Free 2:50
4 x 150 Free 2:05
4 x 100 Free 1:20
4 x 50 Free :40
*4 Times through
EN2 3 x 100 1:30 Holding Red pace or 85% effort
EN3 1 x 200 3:15 Holding Blue Pace or 90% effort
*2 Times through (no break after previous element)
EN2 3 x 100 1:30 Holding Red Pace or 85% effort
SP1 1 x 200 3:15 Holding Purple Pace or 95% effort
REC 12 x 50 :45 25 Free/25 Back
This workout was provided by Blue Wave Swim Team Head Coach Justin Correia.
Additional Comments:
*We do a T-30 every 4 weeks, that consists of 10 x 300 with 10 seconds rest. I give them their total time, and they subtract 90 seconds to get their true 3,000 time. I do this because with High School athletes I’ve realized that they will not give 100% on a full 3,000 swim (wishful thinking, but I’m a realist). With the 300s, they give a great effort and they have those 10 seconds to re-charge for the next one.
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Recent Workouts by Coach
Justin Correia