Jan 19, 2009 – Lancy Natation
Monday evening starting the week for the Lancy Natation Elite group with a “classical” in season sprint workout mixing lots of long and smooth swims with short high intensity sprints.
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Monday evening starting the week for the Lancy Natation Elite group with a “classical” in season sprint workout mixing lots of long and smooth swims with short high intensity sprints.
This workout is typical of a breaststroke endurance-style workout for T2 Aquatics, although I think it was written with more detail and thus performed a bit better than what we’ve done in the past.
After the lactate workout the previous morning, we went back to some more distance and recovery focused swimming in the morning.
At T2 Aquatics, we teach the athletes a routine when they are 10 or 11, and then help them refine it as they grow into top-level swimmers. This ability of an athlete to “do it yourself” is key to high-level performances!
Learning how to get up and swim fast in the morning is a major issue for a lot of young athletes. Reason why we placed our lactate workout in the mornings during this training camp.
This Tuesday evening session is a good example of a typical in season sprint workout from the Lancy Natation Elite group during the 2008-2009 campaign. Mixing short, high quality sprints with lots of longer recovery swimming.
After half a day off and the big 100×100 set the previous morning, we had to get back to work. We still like the idea of doing the same warm-up but you’ll notice that we adapted it to the work we’ll be doing for the second week of the camp.
You should always start the year the same way you want it to end … with a bang! That’s what the team did for their January 1st morning workout.
Different workouts for the boys and girls isn’t something we get to do often. But doing this that day, also reminded me that there are some benefits of having separate groups for boys and girls.
We have been building up to this 4k kick set leading up to this training trip. Some people on the team did walk a little funky later in the evening.