PSU Club Swim – Sprint Stroke

4,800 yard practice that is designed to work on your 100-200 yard stroke races by mixing in some mid-distance and sprint stroke elements.


Warm Up:
300 Swim
300 Kick
300 IM – 25 Kick, 25 Drill, 25 Swim
300 Swim, descend each 100

Set 1: Kick
6×50 fly kick on back @ 1:00/1:10

Set 2: Get moving!
4×200 Free @ 1 – 3:00/3:15 2 – 2:50/3:05 3 – 2:40/2:55 4 – 2:30/2:45

Set 3: Get ready for the main set…
16×25 Choice @ :30
4- drill, 4- distance per stroke, 4- build, 4- try to hold under :20

Main Set: Part 1
300 alternate 50 free, 50 stroke @ :35 seconds rest
3×100 stroke @ 1:35/1:45

200 alternate 50 free, 50 stroke @ :25 seconds rest
4×50 stroke – @ 1:00

100 – alternate 25 free, 25 stroke @ :20 seconds rest
4×25 stroke –@ :25

100 easy

Main Set: Part 2
2x(4×50) choice @ 1:00
get time for each 50 and add times together to get a 200 time,
do a 50-100 easy between rounds

Warm Down:
300 easy, mix in freestyle and backstroke


This workout was provided by PSU Club Swim Team Coach Georgia Reiner.

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