We call it “monorail scull”. Swimmers need snorkels and buoys for the drill, and it adds some challenging fun to workouts.
Please leave a comment if you have any questions or opinions regarding this drill.
The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals
Club Wolverine Elite is a high performance swim team that trains swimmers for one reason: to compete at the Olympics. Winning an Olympic medal doesn’t just happen on its own. Club Wolverine Elite is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and is only able to create life-changing experiences with the help of dedicated athletes, staff and generous donors.
Fran Crippen was a loyal ambassador of sport, fair play, and humanitarian goodwill. The Fran Crippen Elevation Foundation was developed to continue Fran’s legacy.
We were able to make a $100 pledge to Team BEST as they participate in the Colin’s Hope Athlete Ambassador program.
The Florida Swim Network is promoting the sport of swimming in the state of Florida (USA). They are broadcasting many meets in the Sunshine State and have come up with a new crowd fund project called “Meet Starter” to help support their efforts.
Formed in 2010, Planet Swim Foundation is a non-profit organization located in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL that aims to promote the sport of swimming through education and safety by preventing drowning in communities with limited physical and financial access to both pools and water safety instruction.
We call it “monorail scull”. Swimmers need snorkels and buoys for the drill, and it adds some challenging fun to workouts.
Please leave a comment if you have any questions or opinions regarding this drill.
Quick video showing one of my athletes demonstrate the breaststroke speed drill. I had her use fins to give her more leverage but the goal would be to execute this drill the same way without fins.
I believe this is a good example of how this drill should look – she’s doing a good job staying on top and transferring the power from the hips into the upper body.
Please leave a comment if you have any questions or opinions regarding this drill.
USA deaf swimmer Marcus Titus is looking to reach his goals of competing at the 2016 Olympic Trials and attend the 2017 Deaflympic Games. To make his goals and dreams to come true, Marcus needs to devote his energy and focus on training and improving his swimming.
Quick video showing my athletes do a set of 50’s of what we call the “5 by 5 Turn Sprint”. Work within the flags, alternating fast/easy but all with perfect turns.
Please leave a comment if you have any questions or opinions regarding this drill.
On January 21, 2008 at 18 years old Mallory Weggemann became paralyzed. Since that day she has dreamed of walking again but in order to make that a reality she needs our help.