Kayak Drill

Vevey Natation

Short video showing the famous kayak drill by University of Michigan Head Coach Mike Bottom.

Great description of the kayak drill by Coach Erik (seen on SwimSwam.com):
“Use your kick board as a paddle. Grab it on the ends and while on your back, push water towards your feet. Right arm goes in first on the right side and likewise with the left. You connect from your core, out to your arm – focus on that connection. Recover your arms like backstroke, you could think of it as double arm backstroke with rotation.”

Stats & Memberships Report: December 2012

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

First of all, I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year! May 2013 be full of hard workouts and fast swimming for your team! There are some exciting opportunities in 2013 for ProSwimWorkouts to offer even more value to our visitors.

The Fundamentals of Fast Swimming

Learn cutting edge information from The Race Club “Swimming Technique Talk” by one of the best in the sport of swimming. In this video, Gary Hall Sr. talks about fast swimming technique and the laws that reign over us in the pool.

FINA Swimming Coaches Golden Clinic

The FINA Swimming Coaches Golden Clinics are offering a wide range of visions of coaching and advice on the relationship between a coach and his athlete.

Stats & Memberships Report: November 2012

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

How do you know when to celebrate an anniversary with something that lives online? I guess in our case, the date our domain name was register is going to count which was on Sunday, November 13, 2011 – happy 1st birthday ProSwimWorkouts!

Stats & Memberships Report: October 2012

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

This will be a monthly report on how the website is doing. I hope this will give you some insights and show you that we really are able to make a difference and accomplish our mission to support the swimming community around the world.

Anthony Ervin – World Cup Tour 2012

Anthony Ervin - World Cup Tour 2012

Two-time U.S. Olympic swimmer and gold medalist Anthony Ervin will be competing on the World Cup circuit. Anthony will be representing the United States at stops in Dubai, Doha, Stockholm, Moscow, Berlin, Beijing, Tokyo, and Singapore.