Swimming with Bobby – Episode 1 – Matt Wilson (Part 1)

Swimming With Bobby Podcast

Welcome to ‘Swimming with Bobby’, Episode 1 with Australian swimming star Matt Wilson.

In 2019 Wilson equalled the World Record in the semifinals of the 200m Breaststroke at the FINA World Championships in Gwangju, only to see that WR get broken by eventual champion Anton Chupkov of Russia, with Wilson finishing with silver.

Listen in to the detail of Wilson’s preparation leading into the World Champs, his deepest thoughts and feelings during the biggest week of his swimming career and his live commentary on watching the replay of these races for the first time since the World Champs.

Stay tuned for Part 2, detailing the sacrifice and commitment from the Wilson family on his journey to the top.

Episode 1 – Podcast Notes

  • Summer 2019 – on fire! (1:05)
  • 5 weeks out from Worlds (3:44)
  • Taper – You did what?! (6:05)
  • World Champs Day 1 – “I’m on!” (9:21)
  • Mixed Medley Relay – GOLD! (11:55)
  • Recovering like a World Champ (14:59)
  • WORLD RECORD! (20:39)
  • Anton Chupkov: Friendly rivalry? (25:10)
  • Video Replay: Semi Final (26:31)
  • Video Replay: Final – The most exciting race of the World Champs (32:05)
  • Double thumb cramp – a new swimming meme (37:50)
  • How to win in 2020? (39:10)
  • Finishing off Gwangju (43:10)

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Best Workouts and Resources of 2019

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Another year has been and gone, and we’d like to toast to your wins in 2019, whether they were great or small. To close out 2019, let’s take a glance back at the numbers for the ProSwimWorkouts platform.

Stats & Memberships Report: December 2019

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Closing the year with another delayed monthly report confirming an overall “downwards” trend for our platform in 2019. We seem to attract more new visitors while having a hard time to bring people back.

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Stats & Memberships Report: November 2019

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

“Home Office” has become an unfortunate reality for (swim) coaches around the globe. Many of you are most likely as busy as before while providing your athletes with ways to keep “training” and “minimize” the impact of this sudden break.

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Lausanne Swim Cup

Lausanne Swim Cup

The first three editions of the Lausanne Swim Cup have been a success! Athletes such as Katinka Hosszu and Anthony Ervin highlighted these meets and took home their share of the prize money handed out during the two days.

The Swim Brief – Nico Turns the Tables

Chris DeSantis Coaching

Chris DeSantis is celebrating 100 episodes of the Swim Brief Podcast! For the occasion, former guests come on and essentially turn the tables. They guide the conversation, they ask the questions and Chris gets put on the hot seat.

In this first special edition, Nico asks Chris about his recent trip to the ISCA Summit in Clearwater Beach and what the whole point of the Swim Brief Podcast is.

Podcast DetailsLinks from the Episode
Episode: #13
Guest Host: Nico Messer
Host: Chris DeSantis
ISCA Summit
Coaching Wellness with Matt Sprang
Chris DeSantis Coaching Patreon

Do you want to share something related to this episode? We would love to hear it! Please leave a comment below or send us a message with your feedback.

You can subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes and listen “on the go” or play the full episode on our platform below.

About Chris DeSantis Coaching

There is a lot more to excellence than how you move in the pool. Your mindset determines how much you get out of a practice or a competition. Serious swimmers also know that technical skills make all the difference. Coach Chris can get you personalized workouts that deliver incredibly efficient results. You can get improvement with less time in the water and a better life out of it, keep the sport fun for kids, or take high level performance even higher.

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Stats & Memberships Report: August 2019

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

August is the start of the season for many swim teams in Europe and elsewhere while most teams in the US finish up their big summer meets. Either way, another busy month for coaches attending meets or workout planning.

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