It’s June and my swimmers have “June Syndrome”! This doesn’t only happen in June – it also happens in December around the Holidays. In this bonus episode, I solicit advice from fellow coaches as I myself am at a loss of what to do.
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 11 – Breaststroke, Best Stroke?
In this week’s episode I’m talking about how bad I am at breaststroke and how my failure at it fueled my coaching of it.
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 10 – Quality vs. Quantity
In this episode I discuss the question of “Quality vs Quantity”. We know swimmers need to swim a lot of metres, but shouldn’t those metres mean something?
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 9 – Rudy
In this episode of the Swimmer’s Ear Podcast, I’m talking about my favourite sports movie, Rudy (no judgment, please), and how it helped me stay involved in sport over the years.
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 8 – Worst 400 IM Ever
Do you remember the first time you swam 400 IM? I imagine it wasn’t the greatest. In this Podcast I discuss why you should consider embracing the “worst 400 IM ever” mentality with your young swimmers.
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 7 – Yoga for the Young Swimmer with Jeff Grace
This week I had the pleasure of discussing Yoga for “12 & Under” swimmers with Jeff Grace from Swimming Specific Yoga!
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 6 – Teaching Feel
This week, Twitter users voted that I should discuss how to teach “feel!” As promised, this week I provide a description of “feel” as well as some tools coaches can use to teach it to their young athletes.
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 5 – No Bad Fly
This week I discuss my efforts to change my coaching style to embrace my swimmer’s abilities in a more positive way. I spent a week coaching my athletes to stop swimming bad butterfly – but you’ll have to listen to find out how.
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 4 – Turning a Bad Practice into a Good Practice
I had to completely throw out two consecutive practices last week. In this podcast, I talk about the reasons why and discuss how productive it was to embrace my failure and use it as a springboard into success.
Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 3 – Test Sets for Development Swimmers
What metrics are most useful to you in your coaching? Which ones give you the best sense of your athletes’ development?