Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 13 – Burnout

Swimmer's Ear - Podcast with Coach Sarah MacDonald

In this episode of the Swimmer’s Ear I discuss some research I’ve been doing for my Masters project. How do parents, peers, and coaches impact a swimmer’s engagement in the sport? Whose fault is it when a swimmer quits for good?

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Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 12 – June Syndrome

Swimmer's Ear - Podcast with Coach Sarah MacDonald

It’s June and my swimmers have “June Syndrome”! This doesn’t only happen in June – it also happens in December around the Holidays. In this bonus episode, I solicit advice from fellow coaches as I myself am at a loss of what to do.

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Swimmer’s Ear – Episode 5 – No Bad Fly

Swimmer's Ear - Podcast with Coach Sarah MacDonald

This week I discuss my efforts to change my coaching style to embrace my swimmer’s abilities in a more positive way. I spent a week coaching my athletes to stop swimming bad butterfly – but you’ll have to listen to find out how.

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