The Tamalpais High School Girls Swimming Challenge is aiming to help generate financial support for their program. These girls spend many long hours chasing that black line on the bottom of the pool in pursuit of improving themselves, and their team, and they need our support!
“Since we are coming out of COVID (and as we are still somewhat in it), we are looking to create a positive atmosphere for our team that shows that these amazing student-athletes make a difference, and are valued!”

All contributions will go toward the girls‘ swimming expenses for travel, banquets, senior day and/or special team gear to promote school spirit. They are also hosting the MCAL Championship this year and need help raising money to create team gear that celebrates our historic school. With our help they can continue to advance and improve Tam High Girls Swimming!
Join us and support their campaign on eTeamSponsor.
PSW was able to make a $100 donation to the Tam High Girls Swimming campaign.
Thanks to all of our premium members who make this possible!