Feb 23, 2024 – Messer Aquatic Performance

Friday pre-lunch swim going back to the short course pool and a bit more varied aerobic work including some butterfly. Also having a little more time at my disposal, I swam for a full hour and therefor covered more ground than usual since my return to the pool.

Workout AM

300 cruise w/fins as 100 back, 50 free
2×200 fly kick w/fins as 50 on side (25 each), 50 on back R10-15″
3×100 cruise w/fins as 75 free, 25 back R10-15″

4×25 UW fly kick w/fins @40″
16×25 fly w/fins DPS @30″
4×25 scull R15″

300 cruise as 100 free, 50 back
2×200 free drills R15″
[ 1x (25 full human paddle, 50 half human paddle – 25 each side, 25 6-kick switch), ]
[ 1x (25 11-position catch-up, 50 one arm – resting arm on side, 25 regular) ]

3×100 cruise as 75 back, 25 free R10″

4×25 scull R15″
4×25 as 3x free no breath, 1x back loosen R15″


This workout was provided by Coach Nico Messer.

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