Dec 27, 2012 – Vevey Natation (Camp Luxembourg)

Vevey Natation

These are the workouts from day two of our training camp in Luxembourg. Some good “old fashioned” aerobic freestyle mixed with short speed work. They’ll also get to use quite a bit of fins and paddles to make the adaption to training long course easier.

Broken Swim Chart by Coach Kevin Pierce

Kevin Pierce - Cabrini College (USA)

The following is a chart I have developed for different broken swims. They go from the 50 to the 1650. There are many different ways to do broken swims. Find out which one your swimmers are most comfortable with.

Coaching Children Aged 8 to 11

Paul Yetter - North Baltimore Aquatics (USA)

What are the important things to know when coaching a new group of 8-11 year olds”? Here are a few things I’d consider for a new training group, at this age.

Jan 16, 2013 – T2 Aquatics – Practicing Fartlek

T2 Aquatics (USA)

It has become apparent to me that my athletes will not continue their improvement without beginning to do their share of “Fartlek” training. I’ve started to put “Fartlek” work into more of our workouts, and on Wednesday mornings, I’ve added it to our normal kicking and pulling routine.

Feb 13, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

This is the continuation of our preparation for Long Course Nationals. These two workouts are from the beginning of the week as we move into a more lactate oriented training phase.

Jan 9, 2013 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

This was our second workout following our training camp in Luxembourg. I can tell that the athletes are in a much better shape than before the trip but they are also tired because we didn’t have a rest day during the camp.

Jan 8, 2013 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

This Tuesday evening session was our first practice back home following our training camp. Aerobic freestyle mixed with some fast kicking.

Feb 9, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

These are two workouts of a recovery day leading up to Long Course Nationals. The goal of the day for our athletes was to feel better when they got out of the pool.