Feb 8, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

We still do quite a lot of kicking in Vevey. As they get better, we start to kick a little less in distance overall but fast more often.

Feb 7, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

Tuesday evening aerobic recovery workout mixed with short sprints. This session was done in preparation for Swiss Long Course Nationals in March.

May 19, 2008 – Geneve Natation

Geneve Natation 1885 (SUI)

Our athletes had to go through a pretty though 1.5h long dryland circuit before this workout. There wasn't really a need for a warm-up that afternoon, everybody was ready to go after the dryland . . .

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Training for the 400 IM

The main set is geared towards the 400 IM. It is challenging and the kids will have to work hard to meet the goal of the set . . .

Some or parts of our workouts & resources and/or the accompanying PDF may only be available to premium members. If you would like to gain full access and help us support the swimming community, please choose one of our subscriptions to our platform.

Dec 22, 2012 – T2 Aquatics

T2 Aquatics (USA)

This workout is a traditional NBAC set from the 90s. At T2 Aquatics, we’ve used this sort of set often, with a few different variations. This is first time this fall that we’ve done the set.

Dec 21, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

This Friday evening workout was our fourth session of our week leading up to our Christmas training camp – more aerobic based recovery including short sprints.

100 x 100’s on the 100

Kevin Pierce - Cabrini College (USA)

Everyone has their version of the 100×100 set. Here is the set that I had done with the high school team I used to coach. The time interval is not extremly taxing but just getting through the workout is tough mentally.

Week #49, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

This is a full week of workouts from my team while I was away for a certification class. After SC Nationals we were basically entering our 6 week of tapering as we were looking for more fasts swimming at Regionals . . .

Some or parts of our workouts & resources and/or the accompanying PDF may only be available to premium members. If you would like to gain full access and help us support the swimming community, please choose one of our subscriptions to our platform.