Day 6 & 7 — Week of November 19

T2 Aquatics (USA)

This workout starts off pretty typical for us: some kicking, some pulling, then some drilling. The Main Series is a “traditional” IM set I used to do in Baltimore (as a swimmer, and as a coach). It’s based off an IM set we used to call the “Janet Evans” set.

For whatever reason, back in 1992 when I was doing it as a swimmer, we called it the “Janet Reno” set because we changed the “Real IMs” which defines the “Janet Evans” set to “Free-IMs” which defines the “Janet Reno” set. For those who do not know: a “Free-IM” is “Free-Back-Breast-Free”.

The set is awesome because although you’ve got to descend the Free IMs, you have to hold yourself together on the 200-400-600-800 Free — which particularly as you get into the 600 and 800 is a huge challenge. The Free IM 200s should be descended.

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Blue Wave Swim Team – Dog Walking

Blue Wave Swim Team

We use stretch cords during our morning workouts and I have come up with a few ways of making it fun. We don’t have a lot of high tech equipment at the pool, and I am a big believer in resistance training, especially with power racks, and bucket systems.

Day 5 — Week of November 19, 2012

T2 Aquatics (USA)

Generally on Fridays I ask the athletes to do a major Kick Set. Our set for today, for most people is 12×100 on (2:00), kicking 3 100s of each stroke FAST.


The (2:00) interval for us is pretty long, so the athletes on this particular day are getting more rest per repeat than they generally get during kicking sets. The 25s at the end are designed to allow the athletes to access a little bit of speed — which at the end of the week is very important.

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Nov 27, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

Right now we are in a situation where about half of our team had their first peak at SC Nationals and now everybody is focused for Regionals mid December. This “double peak” represents a challenge on many levels for our athletes.

Day 4 — Week of November 19, 2012

T2 Aquatics (USA)

This workout is the continuation of the week that started on Monday November 19. After a our Wednesday evening “Lactate” workout, we went back to an aerobic workout on Thursday. Our week this week (and many others) looks like this:

Aerobic (Monday), Active Rest (Tuesday), Fast Race Pace (Wednesday), Aerobic (Thursday), Kick and Speed (Friday), and either Aerobic or Active Rest (Saturday). Sunday is an optional day for Postgrads or a recovery day for everyone else.

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Nov 6, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

Two different workouts – medley focus with shorter faster swims for the younger athletes and a “taper” session from the group resting for SC Nationals.

Cabrini College – Training for the Mile

Kevin Pierce - Cabrini College (USA)

This workout was done in preparation for our December Invite which is this weekend. None of our distance swimmers have had the chance yet to swim the mile so we wanted to give them a chance to see where they are with their training.

May 3, 2008 – Geneve Natation

Geneve Natation 1885 (SUI)

In Geneva Coach Morgan had a great success with short axis stroke. This is a Saturday morning workout from the butterfly group. Breaststroke and IM swimmers did almost the same thing that morning, except for the monofin set at the end . . .

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Feb 6, 2012 – Vevey Natation

Vevey Natation

This was a speed focused Monday with sprints in the morning and an anaerobic (aka lactate production) main set for our sprint and mid-distance athletes in the afternoon. Our “distance” specialists weren’t completely on the same plan and had a basic aerobic main part in the afternoon.