Jan 4, 2021 – SRSO – Ivo Staub

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Low-end aerobic and sprint focused workout to start off the New Year. Following an almost two week long break from the pool with the holidays adding more days out of the water the goal for the week was to get back in the flow with mainly relaxed longer swimming and short sprints.

Dec 16, 2020 – SRSO – Ivo Staub

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Relaxed aerobic session including lots of kicking and pulling. We’re still working on “feel” quite a bit and in the unknown beginning of this “lockdown” phase on simply maintaining fitness levels.

Dec 14, 2020 – SRSO – Ivo Staub

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Aerobic and sprint focused session including some speed and breath control work. Using rest intervals to provide enough recovery between the fast efforts as the goal was to really train “polarized” with either very relaxed or high speeds.

Jul 20, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn - Nachwuchs Schweizermeisterschaft 2022

While our Junior Nationals crew was on the way to Tenero for their first swim in the championship pool before the start of the meet on Thursday, our youngest team member was still at home for one more day and doing a quick morning session including light aerobic and some sprint work.

Jul 19, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn - Nachwuchs Schweizermeisterschaft 2022

Last day of the 2021-2022 season and last practices at home before Junior Nationals and the summer break. The morning session was optional for everybody and providing the option to do a little more fast swimming or a broken effort.

Jul 18, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn - Nachwuchs Schweizermeisterschaft 2022

Championship Week for the Junior National crew starting with a relaxed Monday evening practice. A little team stretch before jumping in the pool to aid with recovery and really focusing on feel during the swim.

Jul 17, 2022 – Swim Regio Solothurn

Swim Regio Solothurn (SRSO)

Sunday Funday in Karlsruhe for the Junior Nationals crew with an aerobic and kicking focused morning session including some relay takeovers. We had lots of time this morning and all of the short course pool to ourselves again. Relaxed atmosphere and good energy during the relay work.