Oct 28, 2011 – Vevey Natation
A real challenger from the team in Vevey. Lactate and speed work in one session. This workout will get you ready to race!
The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals
A real challenger from the team in Vevey. Lactate and speed work in one session. This workout will get you ready to race!
Saturday morning is usually race day in Vevey. Try one of their lactate workouts and choose the main set that fits you best.
Get your legs in shape with this kicking focused workout from the team in Vevey.
You won’t get bored with these two workouts from the team in Vevey. Distance oriented morning session using plenty of equipment to make it more fun. Speed work during the afternoon practice to feed your need for speed.
The aerobic mornings and kicking afternoons pattern keeps going – another classic double from the team in Vevey that will get your legs in shape.
This workout has something for everyone. There are 3 different main sets – for sprinters, mid-distance and distance swimmers – choose one or go through all of them on different days.
Another two for one from the team in Vevey. Mostly aerobic work in the morning to get the swimming out of the way for the day.
Two for one from the team in Vevey. Basic aerobic work in the morning followed by a 15×100 best average test set in the afternoon.
Saturday morning workout with a max effort kicking focused main set from the team in Vevey.
Drill focused Friday morning workout with some short pace swims from the Fighting Manatee Swim Team.