Little Bit of Magic

Bryan Craig - GT Shamrocks (AUS)

When I started coaching, I was mentored by Bob Gillett. Bob always told me to do it my way and add a bit of the unusual to everything I do. I have carried this forward through my coaching career and now understand what he meant by the “But what if factor”.

Coach Steele – How to Get Faster!

Bob Steele - USA Swimming Master Coach

The following concept is presented for rookie coaches, new swimmers, self-trainers, or fitness swimmers. Don’t be daunted by complex long training routines or sets. Swimmers of all abilities and skills can adapt training ideas from this site.

Stats & Memberships Report: March 2013

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

During the month of March, Coach Paul Yetter shared a video from his team in Naples, taken during a visit of USA Swimming Master Coach Bob Steele. We posted the video on our blog and highly recommend to watch it if you haven’t seen it yet.

Stats & Memberships Report: February 2013

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

During the month of February we were able to run our second giveaway with the “Sprint Free – Getting Stronger with Jason Lezak” DVD. Duke Smith, our lucky winner, also got a USA swim cap signed by Jason together with the DVD.

Sprint Free – Getting Stronger With Jason Lezak

Sprint Free - Getting Stronger With Jason Lezak

When I heard about Jason Lezak’s Sprint Free DVD, I had to get a copy for myself but also to review it for ProSwimWorkouts. There’s something about Jason, other than the fact that he probably had the most amazing relay swim in Olympic history, making you want to know how he did stay as fit and strong over the years.

Stats & Memberships Report: December 2012

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

First of all, I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year! May 2013 be full of hard workouts and fast swimming for your team! There are some exciting opportunities in 2013 for ProSwimWorkouts to offer even more value to our visitors.

The Fundamentals of Fast Swimming

Learn cutting edge information from The Race Club “Swimming Technique Talk” by one of the best in the sport of swimming. In this video, Gary Hall Sr. talks about fast swimming technique and the laws that reign over us in the pool.