Stats & Memberships Report: September 2021

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

September was back to the pool after the summer break and slowly ramping up training again to prepare for the first short course meets of the new season while hoping for less impact to the competition calendar due to the ongoing pandemic.

Stats & Memberships Report: August 2021

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

August is the one month of the year where a lot of athletes will get a (short) break from their training. While at the same time, it was a very exciting time for the swimming community as we finally got to follow all of the swimming action from the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.

Stats & Memberships Report: July 2021

The summer was once again busy in the first “post-Covid” season with championship meets running a bit different than we were used to in the past. We hope it was a successful end of season for your team – you can read about how it went for the team in Solothurn in the archives.

Stats & Memberships Report: June 2021

The end of June marks the halfway point of the year – it’s a busy time for swim coaches and for many of their teams the run-up to the end of season summer championship meets.

Stats & Memberships Report: May 2021

May was a month dedicated to training following all that fast swimming in April. Most teams were back to “the grind” focusing on their end of season meets while the swimming stars in Europe were trying to tweak their training for the European Championships.

Stats & Memberships Report: April 2021

April was a busy month with championship (or high level as per SwimSwam) meets scheduled all over the globe to provide athletes with opportunities to qualify for the postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Stats & Memberships Report: March 2021

During the month of March in 2020, most of us were either at the beginning or already in the midst of this ongoing pandemic. One year later, many of us are still struggling and going above and beyond regular schedules to allow our athletes to train.

Stats & Memberships Report: February 2021

During the shortest month of the year, we felt the love of the swimming community with numbers in our analytics system showing a slight increase compared to the first month of the year. With some countries allowing mostly the youth to return to training, coaches seem to be searching for ideas as they move from dryland back to their pools.

Stats & Memberships Report: January 2021

Although many countries went back into partial or even full shutdown at the beginning of the new year there were also plenty of teams with the opportunity to slowly get back into a routine with more regular pool access during the ongoing pandemic.

Best Workouts and Resources of 2020

It was a challenging year for many of us including more downs than ups and yet there have also been unexpected things that have come out of it.