Stats & Memberships Report: June 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

We are already halfway through the year again and nobody could have imagined the challenges all of us had to face during the last weeks & months. With teams slowly and safely returning to the pools, we are also continuing to see increased activity on our platform.

The Poolside Pass

The Poolside Pass

ProSwimWorkouts is excited to announce a collaboration agreement with The Poolside Pass. Coaching is all about sharing ideas and continual development through sharing knowledge and experience. PSW and The Poolside Pass are both about just that!

Swimming with Bobby – Episode 2 – Thomas Fraser-Holmes

Swimming With Bobby Podcast

Welcome to ‘Swimming with Bobby’, Episode 2 featuring Australian Swim Team veteran Thomas Fraser-Holmes.

Listen to ‘Tommy’ talk about lockdown, humble beginnings and his journey onto the Australian team with lots of laughs, stories, and detailing the highs and lows about being a professional swimmer. From Sun Yang pushing 1:46’s at training to bodysuits and dream relay teams.

Episode 2 – Podcast Notes:

2:22 Re-living NSW State Open/Nationals cancellation
5:31 Who has some the most kilometres ever in Australian history?
7:04 Olympic postponement: Who does the benefit/hurt?
12:24 Lockdown Daily routine on the Gold Coast
14:00 Early stages of career in Newcastle
17:10 ‘The Chat’ with Eric Arnold
22:00 The early morning ‘heart starter’
24:57 The AIS with Vince Raleigh
28:00 AIS stories
32:41 2010 making your first Australian Team at 18
34:11 Mucking around vs Shannon Rollason
38:01 2010 Pan Pacs in California
42:50 2012-2016 Olympic Games
48:45 The move to Miami – Grant Hackett, Sun Yang, Dan Smith, Jordy Harrison
52:05 Dennis’ training sets – Sun descending to 1.46 long course
56:30 Chasing the elusive Olympic medal
1:01:30 Vince vs Dennis vs Bohly
1:03:23 ‘Why Not Me?” swim clinics
1:05:30 Tom’s first drug test
1:07:52 All time AUS 4x100m Medley Relay Team + miscellaneous stories

Support Coach Hurley with a premium membership. Use the coupon “hurley” during your registration and you will also get 20% off any subscription plan.

Private Coaching with World Champion Bobby Hurley

Connect & work online with Coach Bobby and use his years of experience & knowledge to work towards your goals. Find out more!

Stats & Memberships Report: April 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

We all have been out of the pool and at home for a few weeks, already going into the month of May. The Interwebs have become “the place” to be, although our numbers for April don’t reflect that effect of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast

Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast

This swimming Podcast is bringing you the latest interviews from Australia’s best swimmers, past, present and future as well as coaches. Off The Blocks is informative, entertaining and thought provoking.

Swimming with Bobby – Episode 1 – Matt Wilson (Part 2)

Swimming With Bobby Podcast

Welcome to ‘Swimming with Bobby’, Episode 1 (Part 2) with Australian swimming star Matt Wilson.

In this episode, listen to Matt detail the sacrifice and commitment from himself and his family, on his journey to the top of the world. Matt is providing some insight into his training as well as a few tips on breaststroke technique. Matt also shares what went into this decision to join the London Roar in the inaugural season of the International Swim League (ISL) before we close out this first episode.

Missed Part 1? Don’t worry! You can listen to the first part of the episode with Matt Wilson in our archives at

Episode 1 – Podcast Notes

  • What got you attached to the sport of swimming? (0:20)
  • Talent ID: What did your coaches and parents see in you? (2:00)
  • Springwood to SOPAC at 14yo (2:50)
  • 3:45am Wake-ups (4:45)
  • Age group career: ‘The Breaststroke Prodigy’ (6:50)
  • Narrow Misses = …. A Fire! (9:20)
  • Day-to-day training with Adam Kable @ NSWIS (12:45)
  • Memorable training sets – ‘The fat kid doing fly!’ (14:00)
  • The SOPAC squad (15:30)
  • The rise of NSW Swimming (18:40)
  • Breaststroke tips/evolution (21:30)
  • Racesuit: Speedo Intent (24:30)
  • ISL (26:10)

Support Coach Hurley with a premium membership. Use the coupon “Hurley” during your registration and you will also get 20% off any subscription plan.


Stats & Memberships Report: March 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Home Office is providing us with more time during this “pandemic break” from the pool to publish all those late monthly reports and work out details on projects that have been “put off” for far too long.

Stats & Memberships Report: February 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

The days and weeks have gone by fast and with this quick update for the second month of 2020, we will do our best to stay on pace for the rest of the year. Not much activity other than our monthly “Top 5” to report.

Stats & Memberships Report: January 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Happy New Year! After the first month of 2020, the indicators in our analytics systems were showing a positive trend again and we are preparing to make this year the best year yet for the ProSwimWorkouts platform.